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Mit einem Happs, sind sie im Mund.
Und was ist danach passiert????? Ich hasse solche Videos.
@Biker_Fish: https://alfa-telefon.de
Two women were enjoying the day among a group of humpback whales feeding in Avila Beach, California. Suddenly a bait ball appeared next to their kayak and a whale followed the fish, opening its entire mouth to grab them. What the whale did not expect was to take a kayak with two people. Despite the danger and fright, both left unharmed, as the whale soon opened its mouth and released them.
A whale cannot swallow human beings because its throat is very narrow. That is why it feeds only on small fish and krill. But even so, it could have caused fatal injuries due to the strength of the jaw.
Researchers are trying to identify the whale to monitor it and see if it is okay with it too.
Jonathan 2.0
Vielleicht merkt der Wal, dass so ein Mensch viel mehr Energie liefert, als seine üblichen kleinen Beutetiere.
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