Schneemon - 09 Dezember 2011 03:02 PM
Passte purrfekt^^
Meintest du nicht eher wie die Faust unters Auge?
“Aber dieses mal fange ich wirklich an meinen Code zu kommentieren ...”
*3 Monate später*
*spinnen, verwunschene Seelen und goto-Anweisungen huschen aus den Codezeilen die eigenlich Comments enthalten sollen*
von Reddit:
“I am an American who drives stick shift. I am the 1%. “
“A few reasons. First one is that, frankly, I just want to know. But also I’m told it’s more fun, gives you more control, and it does save on gas. Even my grandmother told me the other day that she resisted getting an automatic at first because it was too boring, there wasn’t enough to do
Plus all the badass points. There’s that.”
backhand offensive ^^